MONDAY - 19/08/2024


Last week I got in contact with my team members to ask for meeting availability, so I can have individual catchups to see how everyone is getting on. So far only a couple of people have gotten back to me, so I had one meeting today and have one scheduled for tomorrow. Today's meeting was with Jacob, who at the moment is only responsible for animation tests. We mostly chatted about how the holiday has been treating us and what's on the horizon.
Today I also provided feedback for Business Dad's turnaround as it currently stands. Libby sent along the current front and side view, which I drew over with some notes.

Libby works diligently when it comes to character sheets, so I'm hoping that will be completed soon and animators can work on animation tests with his finalised design.


Outside of Creche & Burn related work, I am going to continue with animation tests for some of the additional projects I'm working on. I'm excited to return to the Media Labs as my TvPaint consistently crashes as I'm saving on my PC, losing hours of work. Luckily the animation I've been doing for Bitter Cold is fairly loose and experimental, so doing it over and over again brings about a frantic quality that I think adds stylistically to the animation. I've broken the animatic into shots that I'm working on, and will work on a shot list soon. For now I will continue animating and update the blog with my shot tests.