WEEK SUMMARY - 24/03/2024


Drew a buggy pile example to help clarify this for the character designers and animators. Discussed making a turnaround sheet just for the pile.

I also started thinking more about my character animation deliverable for assessment. At a portfolio building lecture on Tues(?), Susan suggested animating an existing character in an uncharacteristic way to make it clear it isn't a study from existing footage. As I'm animating a kid, I thought I could achieve this and still get some practise in animating a cheeky kid, by having him pretend to be a zombie. I very roughly mapped this out to ensure I would be able to fill the 5 second requirement for this animation.

I then sketched out the expressions I wanted to fit into this animation. Osomatsu-kun has a fairly simple style that is easy enough to replicate, but I'm taking this opportunity to practise pushing the expressions in my character animation, as a lot of Osomatsu-kun's jokes are reaction-based, and all the characters feel very big emotions!






Libby asked me to try out animating some animals that might be present in her short film. I started with a vole, and sent along sketches for feedback on things like the line weight, texture, and shape language. Below is a gif showing where I started and what was finally approved by Libby.

I then tried out animating a rough run cycle, using this PBS video as a reference. I need to do a bit more research into quadraped walk/run cycles, but Libby approved this style of drawing for each frame.